Monday, December 26, 2011

Bike Riding For Exercise - How Effective is It?

!±8± Bike Riding For Exercise - How Effective is It?

Bike riding for exercise is one effective way of staying fit and toned and building physical endurance. In biking, almost all parts of the body are exercised, from the legs to the thighs to the abdomen and even the arms. Cycling, though, is more recommended to people who wish to strengthen the lower part of their body since the upper half does not get as much activity as the lower part when it comes to riding a bike.

Exercise for busy people

Although riding road bikes along various terrain might be a lot more fun than cycling indoors, some people just don't have the time to venture outdoors and work on their fitness. For these busy individuals, there is the option of indoor biking. Exercise bikes for use inside the home or in gyms are readily available and serve the same function as road bikes. They can use either the recumbent or the upright type and choose from various brands like ProForm, Nautilus, Schwinn and Life Fitness.

How biking works the muscles

Cycling, even indoors, allows a person to strengthen his or her legs, thighs and glutes. It is an effective cardiovascular activity and can help tone the muscles and keep a person fit. Pedaling strengthens the legs and helps make the inner thighs firm. It also helps accelerate metabolism, increase heart rate and helps burn calories. A person can lose weight, become stronger and keep fit with a proper cycling program.

Equipment for the activity

For people who prefer a more strenuous exercise program, an upright exercise bike machine would be ideal. It is much the same as a road bike where the rider would be required to use the pedals in a vertical, albeit stationary, position. For individuals new to exercising, or those who suffer from back pains and injuries, the recumbent is the more preferred type of exercise equipment. A recumbent bike puts the rider in a more horizontal position, with a backrest to protect his back and the feet out in front for pedaling.

Modern features

To compensate for the lack of outdoor views and varying terrain, some manufacturers of indoor exercise bikes have incorporated virtual programs into their products wherein the rider can enter a virtual setting simulating an outdoor experience. Adjustable resistance features and pre-programmed add-ons also allow the rider to simulate uphill or downhill terrains, allowing him or her to vary the exercise program and move various muscles.

People interested in bike riding for exercise need to be careful before starting a cycling regimen. A consultation with a physical fitness expert on what type of program is the most appropriate and what equipment to use is the first step that should be taken by those who like cycling exercises. Just like outdoor biking, indoor cycling can also cause injuries and pains if the program is not done right and the activity is not guided or sanctioned by a physical fitness expert.

Bike Riding For Exercise - How Effective is It?

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Friday, December 9, 2011

Choosing Commercial Fitness Equipment for a Medium-Sized Fitness Center

!±8± Choosing Commercial Fitness Equipment for a Medium-Sized Fitness Center

A medium-sized fitness center can be anywhere from 500 to 1500 square feet in size. Fitness centers of this size may be found at a school, hotel, community center, or a place of employment, such as corporate office or fire department. Depending upon the needs of the facility, designers may include numerous types of commercial fitness equipment for cardiovascular exercise and weight training. There may also be rooms or space for instructional classes such as yoga, Pilates, spin classes or martial arts. Layout and design of a fitness center of this size depends on the total space and budget available. The following are some types of exercise equipment to consider when designing a medium-sized fitness center.

Cardiovascular Equipment

Aerobic exercise is a key component of any health and exercise regimen. A minimum of 20 to 30 minutes of low impact cardiovascular exercise is recommended at least 3 times per week in order to stay fit and healthy. Some of the most popular cardiovascular equipment types in a commercial fitness center are treadmills, elliptical cross trainers, and exercise or stationary bikes. Exercise bikes come in 3 different styles: upright, recumbent, and spinning. Stair climbers and rowing machines are also other options. A sample medium-sized facility with multiple users might include the following cardio equipment:

• 3-5 Treadmills

• 2-3 Elliptical Machines

• 2-3 Exercise Bikes

• 1 Stair Climber and/or Rowing Machine

Treadmills are often the most popular piece of cardio equipment in a gym. They are ideal for novices and advanced exercisers alike, since they are easy to use and offer a range of exercise options from walking to hiking to running. To minimize wait times, it is useful to include a greater number of treadmills than other pieces of cardio equipment. Elliptical cross trainers provide a comprehensive, low impact cardiovascular workout, combining both the upper and lower body. The movement is similar to cross country skiing and is often recommended as being easy on the joints.

Weight Training Equipment

Strength training is another key component of a health and exercise regimen. Strength training builds bone density and muscle tone. Typical strength training equipment in a commercial fitness center includes specialized weight machines, multi-station gyms, and free weights. Fitness centers with limited space may choose to include 1-2 multi-station gyms that work multiple parts of the body, while larger gyms may include more focused, specialized machines, such as:

• Seated Leg Curl Machine

• Leg Press

• Leg Extension

• Lateral Pull Down Machine

• Chest Press

• Squat Rack

Free weights should include a dumbbell set with weights ranging from 5-75 pounds. It is important to designate a specific area of the fitness center for free weight exercises, to better ensure comfort and safety.

Additional fitness equipment to consider includes exercise or Pilates balls, exercise bands, and jump ropes. Each of these items helps to build strength and tone muscles through varied isolation movements. The jump ropes also contribute to the cardiovascular workout. Gym flooring should be chosen that reduces impact on knees, and any carpet should be low pile to avoid slips and injuries.

Choosing Commercial Fitness Equipment for a Medium-Sized Fitness Center

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Saturday, December 3, 2011

26 Things You Can Do Right Now to Manage Your Anxiety in Economic Recession

!±8± 26 Things You Can Do Right Now to Manage Your Anxiety in Economic Recession

Stressing out over economic bad news? Here are 26 things you can do to relieve your worries and get yourself headed in the right direction.

1. Set a goal to cut your expenses by some concrete number-10%, 20%, 30%, even 50%, and set up a plan to do it. Reducing costs is the fastest way to increase your income...faster than making more money.

2. Look at cash you are wasting without enjoying its benefits, such as leaving lights on, computers not on 'energy savings mode,' or "phantom loads," like microwave clocks that use more energy than the microwave itself. If you get to know your electrical meter, and record the setting before and after you shut off those phantom loads, you'll have concrete proof that you are saving money.

3. Set up a three tier system for purchases: a) necessities; b) conveniences; and c) other. Put everything you buy in one of these categories for a week, and examine the list. For example, if you buy clothing, you might have bought socks and new fancy shoes. While most people would put the socks under "a" or "b," most of us would consider the fancy shoes "other" unless they are a necessity for work. The great spending contraction has begun. Get far enough ahead of it, that you aren't bit in the behind.

4. Consider buying food in its most basic form, and in bulk. For example, instead of buying Pancake mix, buy the flour, shortening, and leavening. This, alone, will not only improve your diet, but cost you a fraction of what the prepared mix would cost. If the "Generals" prepare your meals (General Foods, General Mills, etc) they CHARGE YOU for the privilege.

5. Simplify. Examine each purchase, and ask yourself whether some other item would do the job equally well. Consumerism produces specialized products that increase demand. The more specialized the product, the easier it is to charge consumers a premium price for it. Examples are shaving cream instead of a good lathering soap or window cleaner instead of vinegar. Do a bit of research and find out how your ancestors lived without most of the products under your sink or among your toiletries. Then, pare it down, and buy it in bulk.

6. Seek out quality. Seek out highly durable, long-lasting products that may cost more, but are well made and will last a long time. You may find out that the cheaper versions can't be replaced easily, when they wear out. Buy now for the long term, and not on price alone. I'm finding better quality items being replaced by cheaply made products at the same price. Buy the quality stuff while you can still find it, and make sure it fits Tier A. (See #3)

7. Switch over to a cash economy. Just do it. Start out deciding how much money you usually spend using credit cards and checks, and take out that amount in cash for a week, two weeks, or a month. If you and your family members spend through it before that period is over, stay home and stop spending, until the next period starts. Consumer research has shown that by moving to a cash economy, people spend on average 20-25% less than if they used a credit card. Use that research to benefit YOU. Get into the habit of using currency, not plastic.

8. Get the entire family involved in cutting back Tier "B" and "C" spending. If you've set a goal of reducing expenses by 20%, make that across the board, and involve the kids. If this means cutting back on extra lessons, dances, mall trips, etc, give your children a say, in which things are cut out or reduced. If you are sincere about your own cutbacks, your children will respect and adjust their expectations as well. If you say you are cutting back, but then buy something in the "C" category for yourself, you've lost your credibility and you'll have a family mutiny on your hands. Discuss, as a family, all of your expenses based on these categories, and try to reach agreement, so there are no surprises.

9. Chart out your life travels in terms of miles, instead of minutes, and then figure out how you can travel those miles in ways other than those using fossil fuel. When someone says "That's 30 minutes away..." get used to asking "Is that walking, biking, or traveling by car?" It is a psychological shift that we all need to make.

10. Learn how to stay home. It sounds funny to some, but for many people, "home" has become a "pit stop" to refuel (eat, sleep) before we head out again. Learning how to stay home might mean resolving the conflicts you have with your significant other. It might mean having higher expectations for better behavior from your children.

11. slow down, relax more, and look for ways of improving your home surroundings. I don't mean a new sofa. I'm talking about cleaning up that harrowing trip from one room to another. Do you keep tripping over the rug that sticks up? Do you avoid a chair because of a window draft? Solutions like fixing that rug or putting up heavier curtains in the winter so the room stays warmer might seem like obvious solutions but the effort has far-reaching impacts., Suddenly, you've created a better area to read, or listen to music, free of distractions. It might mean moving your most used kitchen utensils in a convenient place, so it's easier to cook. Tell yourself "Home is where I'm going to be spending most of my time," and check out your emotional reaction. If it's panic or dread, try to figure out why, and do something about it.

12. "Get real" with the people you live with or love. Unfinished business, unspoken animosity, curt and angry exchanges not only makes it unpleasant to be at home, it actually impacts you physically. Bad marriages wreck good health. Come clean and own up to your own unhappiness, and try to own up to your contribution to the situation. The average troubled couple waits seven years before they seek out help, and often the problems by that point are well-entrenched. Try to fix it yourself, but if it doesn't work, seek out a trained listener.

13. put your kids to work. Too many children have very little real "purpose" in family life, and this is a bizarre turn of events in the history of human-kind. If your kids seem focused on their own self-interests, ask yourself to what extent you've expected them to take in interest in things greater than their own amusements. If you can't say "Boy, I'm really glad I have my son/daughter to take care of X, so I don't have to do it..." you've forgotten how to teach them skills like taking responsibility, being reliable, and the "quid pro quo" of living with people. Your future son- or daughter- in-law will curse you.

14. Shut off the chatter from the computer/ internet/television/cable/ telephone/cell phone/pager/Blackberry/fax machine for some period each day and make a space for you to be with those you love, uninterrupted. Make it a revered time when the most important people in the world are sitting with you, paying attention to each other, talking sincerely, relaxing together. Expect severe resistance and techno-withdrawal. Make this revered time long enough to allow for the "hyperactive" withdrawal to subside, and a sense of quietude to permeate the house. Keep it going (as an "experiment" if you must) for at least a month, and open up discussion about what kinds of things you could do, as a family or as individuals, that would be satisfying or fun without using electricity.

15. Seriously weigh working overtime against using this time to create a more sustainable lifestyle. We are used to thinking about making money as the number one priority, but maybe its time to seriously question this assumption. If some crisis should happen tomorrow, just how prepared are you? Have you put up food? Created a garden of some type? Gotten to know your neighbors well enough to ask for (or offer) favors? Connected with religious or civic organizations offering you a wider circle of support? Resolved your marital troubles? Learned to really enjoy your kids? No doubt, cash is important, but time is our most precious commodity. Consider its use very carefully.

16. Imagine a vision for a future you'd be willing to live in. You know that line about how humans can't live without hope? The happiest families have a vision of what they are living and working toward. This vision sustains them in times of trouble. Go ahead. Imagine the worst. Then, visualize how you can live a satisfying life through the worst of times, and what changes you can institute, that will make it worthwhile. (Hint: if you don't imagine good friends and family, live music, simple foods etc, it probably looks overly dreary...) Write about it in a story, with you as the hero, draw it in a picture, sing it in a song. Make it real.

17. Make lists and mark achievements. Most of us are overly optimistic about what can be accomplished in a year, but underestimate what can be accomplished in ten years. See the broader plan, and pick several projects to start on (that's right, several...). Do something on each one every day, or make it okay to focus on one for a while, until you tire of it, and then shift to another one.

18.Keep the longer vision in mind, and understand how the interim is likely to play out, based on that vision. Give yourself the space to make decisions now that you know will not ultimately be your future course of action. To make sure you are heading in the right direction, ask yourself: "Is this moving me toward greater self-sufficiency?" "If I am using fossil fuel to accomplish this goal now, is this in service of my learning some greater skill, that I can later apply, to accomplish the goal without those inputs?" For example, if you know nothing about carpentry, power tools can make learning about wood a great deal easier. Once you are comfortable with putting things together, you can later apply those skills when using hand tools. A recumbent bike with a "power assist" can get you out there and riding that bike, so you get into better shape to later ride it without the assistance.

19. Understand how the "herd mentality" is likely to impact you, and try to GET OUT AHEAD OF THE CROWD, instead of being trampled underneath it.

20. Protect your mental health as closely as you do your physical health. Depression, paranoia, drug and alcohol abuse, domestic violence, abandonment, verbal abuse, compulsive behaviors like overeating, gambling, cyber-sex, anonymous sex etc. are all common reactions to stressful times. Keep a tight grip on the loose reins of that mind of yours, and listen to other people who tell you they are worried about you and the way you are behaving. Find people, ideally true friends and family, to talk to about the pressures and ruminations you have-your deepest fears. If you need help, get it now, and make sure that help includes tangible ways for you to handle that stress better in the future. Talk about your mother only if it helps you understand how to live a more productive life TODAY and gets you moving in the direction you claim to want to go in. Make it okay to schedule "mental health days" know, those days when you are just taking time off from work to smell the roses, sleep late, schedule a 'melt down,' or otherwise live life.

21. Learn the difference between "healthy pleasures" and ones that will burn out your neurochemistry and destroy your health. Most of us exaggerate our habitual way of being when under pressure, based on our personalities. For some of us, we'll withdraw from other people and become isolated. For others, we throw ourselves into projects that make other people the focus, and ignore our own wellbeing. Others become more self-centered, and stop considering other people's needs at all. Some become instantly "action oriented" to manage anxiety, without stopping to consider the purpose or goal of the actions. Still others become immobilized, unable to make the simplest decisions, lest they turn out to be the wrong ones. Sometimes our thoughts are dominated by destructive emotions and we stop thinking clearly. Too much intellectualizing is the direction others head in, and this allows very little room for emotional expression or sympathetic connection with ourselves or others. Here is where giving "general advice" like "express your emotions" or "focus inward" becomes so risky. We have to know in which direction we tend to err, and interrupt the pattern before it goes to extremes. Include people in your life that "balance out" those tendencies. If you are a "worry wart," connect with someone who's more carefree. If you tend to intellectualize, find an improvisational theater group. If you dramatize everything, befriend someone closer to a "brain" who "thinks" as a first response. And be prepared to be possibly annoyed by the personality differences.

22. Care for something NON-HUMAN. Eighty-five percent of us already do, whether it's wild birds, squirrels, gold fish, a dog, cat or livestock. Scientifically, we've found out that caring for someone (or something) else is good for our mental and physical health. We're likely to live longer through a life-threatening disease if we do. Spend time watching or interacting with this non-human, and access another part of your consciousness-perhaps and older, deeper part. Groom your dog. Pet your cat. Watch your chickens. Try to relax while you're doing it.

23. limit the 'bad news.' If you find yourself checking the news more than once a day, give it a break, for your own sake. Take a "news holiday" once in a while. Go be around something beautiful, like art or nature.

24. Make a list of the 'Twenty things you love to do', and post it where you'll see it every day. Write down, next to the item, when is the last time you did it, and whether you want to do it more (M) or less (L) often. Write down if it was something either parent did (P), and whether you'll still be able to do it at 85 (85). If it costs money to do it, put a dollar sign ($) next to it. If you need to do it with a friend (F) or special friend (SP) note that. Now, rank-order them, just for fun.

25. Don't try to change the world. Try just impacting your tiny corner of it. Make your street a nicer place. Plant a few fruit or nut trees. Join a neighborhood group. Expand your community food pantry. Get a regular "rent party" together and pass the hat for those who have lost their job or have unpaid medical bills. Next week, that person might be you. Pick up the garbage you come across, even if it isn't yours. Remember that the world is bigger than you are, and that you don't own the Earth or the things in it. You are a part of the Earth, and are owned by it.

26. Think outside the box. Just because people usually list 25 things, be different. List 26. Don't follow the crowd, walk ahead of it. If they start following you, you're a leader. If they don't, you are ahead of your time or you are going in the wrong direction. In either case, enjoy the walk, and break your own rules once in a while.

26 Things You Can Do Right Now to Manage Your Anxiety in Economic Recession

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Saturday, November 26, 2011

4 New Types of Ab Exercise Machines

!±8± 4 New Types of Ab Exercise Machines

One of the exciting aspects of working out is that ab exercise machines found in local fitness centers and gyms are always changing. Today, machines have been designed and developed based on a variety of factors such as new technology, better materials and even consumer input. Therefore, we wanted to provide information about some of the latest ab exercise machines now being used.

o Powertec Fitness P-AB Ab Bench Plus - This is one of the newer types of exercise machines now being used in gyms, which takes older style of sit ups and crunches and redefines them. Because of the design, the bench features a leg bar that makes it possible for people to perform effective sit ups, which targets the middle and upper abdominal muscles. In addition, the machine has a headrest and handlebar so elevated reverse crunches can be performed, focusing on hip flexor and lower abdominal muscles.

o Double Wheel - Another one of the newer exercise machines is the Double Wheel Abdominal Exercise Equipment, which has helped many people because of the revolutionary design that eliminates the need to balance. Instead, the individual simply rolls a bar that features wheels on either side to get a deep workout for the inside oblique and rectus abdominis muscles.

o Easy Shaper - Today, more and more women want to achieve the same muscle definition that men have or close to it. Because of this, the Easy Shaper is one of the newest ab exercise machines just for women so they too can enjoy a tight and toned stomach. The design of this machine makes it possible for women to use the exact amount of resistance needed to achieve the desired goal. In addition to being great for the abdominal muscles, this equipment also works great for the inside and outside thigh muscles.

o Perfect Pull-Up Ab Straps - Probably one of the most innovative of all new exercise machines is this one. The machine is heavy-duty and built to last. Straps are used to support the individuals body weight by cradling the arms. With this unique approach, the person only needs to focus on the abdominal muscle group wanting to target.

Some people still believe the best way to achieve tight, toned, and defined abdominal muscles is by using free weights, traditional crunches and sit ups but this mindset is often due to disappointment in machines available for gym or home use. However, with so many great ab exercise machines now being designed, people are realizing that equipment is now more effective than ever before, often more effective than traditional exercises.

For anyone, whether male or female, old or young, to build stronger abdominal muscles, it would be worth the time and effort to look at all of the ab exercise machines on the market. Most people who have not looked at equipment for some time are surprised at the different it is from even two or three years ago. Most people today take fitness and health very serious and in response to consumer demand, companies that make these exercise machines have stepped up to provide exactly what the public wants.

4 New Types of Ab Exercise Machines

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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

How to Turn a Simple Exercise Bike Ride Into a Massive Workout

!±8± How to Turn a Simple Exercise Bike Ride Into a Massive Workout

People are always asking me how to turn simple exercises into more complex ones so I though I'd write a quick little article about it.

Before I get started, it's important to note that you should consult with a doctor before engaging in any sort of exercise routine of any kind, no matter what your age is and no matter what your health history is.

Ok, now right to it. This is a little trick that I use when the weather is too nasty outside to jog (yes, I like to jog as my main exercise method of choice most times). The exercise bike. The old faithful exercise bike. Solid, useful, boring.

But not any more. The next time you step on up to the old exercise bike try this out. Instead of holding onto the handle bars while you ride, instead hold your arms up like you were jogging.

You can swing your arms like you were jogging too, but you don't have to go overboard. You can also hold small hand weights in each hand if you really want to boost this workout. But actually you don't have to do either. Starting out, just hold your arms like you were jogging. You don't have to swing them and you don't have to hold them steady. Just let the natural rhythm do its thing.

What's the point of this (besides looking absolutely ridiculous)? Easy, by holding your arms up and not using the handle bars, you turn the entire workout into a super charged body blast.

You wouldn't think that something as simple as holding your arms and not using the handle bars would increase the workout by so much, but it really does! First off, it's a great workout for your lower back and abdomen area. Keeping your balance as you sit on the bike without holding the handle bars is a lot harder than you might think. That strain works wonders on the lower back.

It also does a nice job toning your upper chest area (think pecs) and upper back. The act of holding your arms up like you were jogging for the entire workout might not seem like much, but it really does a nice job working those muscles.

Finally, your legs get a greater workout as well because it's harder to peddle when the bike itself is not supporting most of your weight. Normally you sort of drape yourself over the handle bars and those handle bars take a bunch of your weight. When you hold your arms up and not use the handle bars, a bunch of that weight gets transferred to your legs and the peddles.

Hence it's harder to peddle and hence you get a better workout.

The only downside to this is that you really do look silly. If you work out in your basement that doesn't really matter, but if you work out in a gym with others, you might get a few stray looks.

But it's worth it to turn that old stodgy exercise bike into a massive workout machine that really boosts your cardio workout all around.

How to Turn a Simple Exercise Bike Ride Into a Massive Workout

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Monday, November 21, 2011

Sole Elliptical Trainer Review

!±8± Sole Elliptical Trainer Review

Sole elliptical trainers are relatively new to the elliptical market, so you may or may not have heard of the brand before now. However, these elliptical machines are growing in popularity very quickly due to their high quality and great warranty. If you have visited a Hilton hotel lately and requested in room fitness, you may have noticed that the elliptical trainers they provide are manufactured by Sole. These ellipticals are becoming more widely recognized due to their reputation for quality and durability.

If you are thinking of purchasing an elliptical machine for your fitness needs, one of the things that you will want to consider is the warranty, and Sole provides one of the best. You can be sure that a company that provides such a warranty is willing to stake its reputation on the quality and durability of their product. The warranty includes five years coverage on parts and electronics and two years for labor. Even some of the more expensive elliptical trainer models do not offer such a warranty.

One of the best things about the Sole ellipticals is that they offer proper alignment for the feet, which is a vital concern as improper body alignment can cause injuries. And if you have ever exercised using an elliptical trainer, then you know that your alignment can be out of balance, especially on the inexpensive, less durable models. The footpads on Sole elliptical machines are set at a two degree inward angle allowing for proper alignment when you are exercising, effectively minimizing injury concerns.

One of the complaints of many users of elliptical machines and home fitness equipments in general is weight limit. Now, how is an overweight 330 pound individual supposed to exercise on some of the less durable models with only a 250 pound weight capacity? It is very discouraging. Sole elliptical machines eliminate this concern with their generous 400 pound weight capacity. As a matter of fact, these elliptical machines are the only machine that allow for this type of weight capacity. This is great news for those who are extremely overweight and wish to exercise in comfort.

Taller individuals will be happy to know that one of the features of Sole elliptical machines is a stride length that reaches up to twenty inches - many other machines pale in comparison. Most elliptical machines only offer stride lengths of twelve to sixteen inches.

You can own a Sole elliptical trainer for under 00, which is excellent for the features and the quality. Just compare the Sole elliptical trainer with other comparable machines and you will see that Sole provides a quality product for what can be considered a bargain. If you are considering adding an elliptical trainer to your workout equipment, then the Sole elliptical machine is definitely worth perusing.

Sole Elliptical Trainer Review

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Saturday, November 19, 2011

Learn 9 Benefits of Using a Vibration Exercise Machine

!±8± Learn 9 Benefits of Using a Vibration Exercise Machine

Learn 9 benefits of using what is called a vibration exercise machine, or a whole body vibration machine.

You will note that these benefits do not just major on total body fitness, but also cover wellness and general good health.

1. Vibration Exercise Training improves the strength, tone, power and general flexibility of muscles.

2. It improves not just the blood flow itself, but also its oxygenation.

3. it improves overall blood circulation throughout the body.

4. It raises hormone levels, which allows muscles to be built faster, recover quicker and better, and enables the user to deal more efficiently with stress. It has to be said here, that the reduction of stress levels can be found through most forms of exercise, although with vibration exercise training, the training itself imposes less strain on the mind and body, which is a very big added benefit.

5. It helps get rid of and literally wash out lactic acid, which is formed by strenuous exercise, thus alleviating cramp or muscle spasms.

6. It eliminates the unnecessary stress on joints and ligaments which other horizontal and vertical forms of whole body exercise applies.

7. It improves your cardiovascular health.

8. It improves your range of motion, beneficial for sports like tennis or golf, and many others besides.

9. It improves your general mobility, flexibility, balance and general coordination.

An added benefit of the use of a vibration exercise machine is that all of the above is achieved in much less time that other forms of exercise, and with much less stress on the mind.

Learn 9 Benefits of Using a Vibration Exercise Machine

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Saturday, November 12, 2011

The New Balance 8000 Elliptical Buyer's Guide

!±8± The New Balance 8000 Elliptical Buyer's Guide

The line of New Balance Elliptical Trainers have been top sellers in the whole at home workout equipment industry for years. Most people know of New Balance shoes and are aware of the quality of their sports footwear. This quality has been transferred over to their fitness equipment division and their elliptical trainers are very well respected in the industry.

The New Balance 8000 elliptical trainer is their latest model and it is already a top seller. What makes this elliptical machine so popular and why do many experts rate is a best value buy? First of all, there is no such thing as the best elliptical trainer. Different machines work better for different people. Good reviews of all fitness equipment will take this into consideration and name the positives and the negatives of a given machine. How well an elliptical works for a variety of different people, (size, weight, conditioning level, etc.), are what get the machine a good rating.

The majority of elliptical trainer reviews note that most users of varying types really like the foot pedals on the New Balance 8000. They are fully adjustable and can go from 18 inches to 20 inches in stride length. Most users are impressed with the stability of the machine and how well it handles heavier users. The manufacturers claim a weight limit of 300 pounds but several reviews mention users of up to 340 pounds using it safely and successfully.

The features were well received. The preset workout programs are rated anywhere from adequate to great, the console is easy to read and accurate, and the cup holder is a nice touch. The smoothness of operation is rated highly and according to consumer reviews, can compare to the more expensive commercial models.

Several people are dissatisfied with the noise caused by the machine. It is fairly loud and can make watching tv difficult while working out. Also, several negative reports about the size. It can be difficult to move and find enough room to store it in. Ratings of durability are hard to find because the machine is so new.

The New Balance 8000 Elliptical Buyer's Guide

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